BAG TB - TB - Delay and TB-Knowledge Study

Two studies will be performed in Switzerland: the first study will establish the patient delay (time from the onset of symptoms suggesting tuberculosis (TB) to the time the patient approached a health-care provider) and the health system delay (time from the first contact to a health-care provider to the start of appropriate TB treatment) of TB patients in Switzerland of the cantons AG, BL, GE, SO, VD, and ZH by interviewing up to 180 TB patients. Patients from the cantons AG, BL, GE, SO, VD, and ZH will be interviewed face-to-face through the respective cantonal lung associations.

In addition, approximately ten patients and their physicians that provide TB treatment to these patients will be interviewed in-depth in a qualitative approach. The quantitative and qualitative gathered data will be analysed to establish determinants of long delay. The second study will establish through a postal survey the level of knowledge relating to TB and its management of approximately 100 Swiss general practitioners. The results of these two studies will serve the Federal Office of Public Health in the preparations for the evaluation of the National Strategy to Fight TB 2012-2017. 

{"locations":{"0":{"title":"Bundesamt f\u00fcr Gesundheit, Bern-Liebefeld, Switzerland","description":"","latitude":"46.9299146","longitude":"7.4190876"}}}
Selected projects at this location:

Involved Regions: Europe and Central Asia
Involved Countries: Switzerland


Kaspar Wyss

Kaspar Wyss, Professor, PhD, MPH
Head of Department, Deputy Director


Project Facts

Internal Partners