Unsere News
First Preschool-Aged Child Receives New Treatment Against Schistosomiasis
The Pediatric Praziquantel Consortium has achieved a significant milestone with the first administration of its new pediatric treatment to a preschool-aged child in Uganda. The new… More...
Transportation Noise Poses Health Risks for Children
A new study by Swiss TPH sheds light on the health effects of transportation noise on children and adolescents in Europe. The scientists found that noise exposure at school and… More...
Jennifer Keiser Appointed Full Professor at the University of Basel
Jennifer Keiser, Head of the Helminth Drug Development unit at Swiss TPH, has been appointed Full Professor at the Faculty of Science at the University of Basel, effective 1… More...
Researchers Call for Greater Global Representation in Vaginal Microbiome Research
A new paper published in Trends in Microbiology highlights significant geographical and socioeconomic gaps in vaginal microbiome research. The paper, co-authored by researchers… More...
Climate Change Weakens Respiratory Health Benefits of Clean Air and Greenspaces
A study by Swiss TPH, in collaboration with European research partners, provides critical insights into the interplay of air pollution, greenspace, and temperature on respiratory… More...
EMBO Fellowship for Researcher at Swiss TPH
Daniel Ballmer, postdoctoral researcher at Swiss TPH, was awarded an EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowship by the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO). EMBO supports excellence in… More...
Zwei neue Mitglieder im Kuratorium des Swiss TPH
Barbara Wieland, Direktorin des Instituts für Virologie und Immunologie (IVI), und Jacques Fellay, Professor an der École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), wurden per… More...
How Gold Mining Affects the Spread of Malaria
Gold mining has long been linked to malaria surges in the Amazon region. A recent analysis by Swiss TPH and partners illustrates how a 2023 crackdown on illegal gold mining in… More...
Tuberkulosestämme, die gegen neue Medikamente resistent sind, übertragen sich von Patient zu Patient
Tuberkulose (TB) ist weltweit die häufigste Infektionskrankheit, wobei die multiresistente TB (MDR-TB) eine besondere Bedrohung für die globale Gesundheit darstellt. Eine vom… More...