Probst-Hensch N, Imboden M, Jeong A, Keidel D, Vermes T, Witzig M, Cullati S, Tancredi S, Noor N, Rodondi P.Y, Harju E, Michel G, Frank I, Kahlert C, Cusini A, Rodondi N, Chocano-Bedoya P.O, Bardoczi J.B, Stuber M.J, Vollrath F, Fehr J, Frei A, Kaufmann M, Geigges M, von Wyl V, Puhan M.A, Albanese E, Crivelli L, Lovison G.F, Corona Immunitas Research Group. Long-term trajectories of densely reported depressive symptoms during an extended period of the COVID-19 pandemic in Switzerland: social worries matter. Compr Psychiatry. 2024;130:152457. DOI: 10.1016/j.comppsych.2024.152457
Tancredi S, van der Linden B.W.A, Chiolero A, Cullati S, Imboden M, Probst-Hensch N, Keidel D, Witzig M, Dratva J, Michel G, Harju E, Frank I, Lorthe E, Baysson H, Stringhini S, Kahlert C.R, Bardoczi J.B, Haller M.L, Chocano-Bedoya P.O, Rodondi N, Amati R, Albanese E, Corna L, Crivelli L, Kaufmann M, Frei A, von Wyl V. Socioeconomic status and adherence to preventive measures during the COVID-19 pandemic in Switzerland: a population based digital cohort analysis. Int J Public Health. 2024;69:1606861. DOI: 10.3389/ijph.2024.1606861
Harju E, Speierer A, Jungo K.T, Levati S, Baggio S, Tancredi S, Noor N, Rodondi P.Y, Cullati S, Imboden M, Keidel D, Witzig M, Frank I, Kohler P, Kahlert C, Crivelli L, Amati R, Albanese E, Kaufmann M, Frei A, Von Wyl V, Puhan M.A, Probst-Hensch N, Michel G, Rodondi N, Chocano-Bedoya P, Corona Immunitas Res Grp. Changes in healthcare utilization during the COVID-19 pandemic and potential causes : a cohort study from Switzerland. Int J Public Health. 2023;68:1606010. DOI: 10.3389/ijph.2023.1606010
Sabatini S, Kaufmann M, Fadda M, Tancredi S, Noor N, Van Der Linden B.W.A, Cullati S, Frank I, Michel G, Harju E, Luedi C, Frei A, Ballouz T, Menges D, Fehr J, Kohler P, Kahlert C.R, Scheu V, Ortega N, Chocano-Bedoya P, Rodondi N, Stringhini S, Baysson H, Lorthe E, Zufferey M.C, Suggs L.S, Albanese E, Vincentini J, Bochud M, D'Acremont V, Nusslé S.G, Imboden M, Keidel D, Witzig M, Probst-Hensch N, von Wyl V. Factors associated with COVID-19 non-vaccination in Switzerland: a nationwide study. Int J Public Health. 2023;68:1605852. DOI: 10.3389/ijph.2023.1605852
Tancredi S, Chiolero A, Wagner C, Haller M.L, Chocano-Bedoya P, Ortega N, Rodondi N, Kaufmann L, Lorthe E, Baysson H, Stringhini S, Michel G, Ludi C, Harju E, Frank I, Imboden M, Witzig M, Keidel D, Probst-Hensch N, Amati R, Albanese E, Corna L, Crivelli L, Vincentini J, Gonseth Nussle S, Bochud M, D'Acremont V, Kohler P, Kahlert C.R, Cusini A, Frei A, Puhan M.A, Geigges M, Kaufmann M, Fehr J, Cullati S, Corona Immunitas Research Group. Seroprevalence trends of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies and associated risk factors: a population-based study. Infection. 2023;51(5):1453-1465. DOI: 10.1007/s15010-023-02011-0
Tancredi S, Ulyte A, Wagner C, Keidel D, Witzig M, Imboden M, Probst-Hensch N, Amati R, Albanese E, Levati S, Crivelli L, Kohler P, Cusini A, Kahlert C, Harju E, Michel G, Ludi C, Ortega N, Baggio S, Chocano-Bedoya P, Rodondi N, Ballouz T, Frei A, Kaufmann M, Von Wyl V, Lorthe E, Baysson H, Stringhini S, Schneider V, Kaufmann L, Wieber F, Volken T, Zysset A, Dratva J, Cullati S, Corona Immunitas Research Group. Changes in socioeconomic resources and mental health after the second COVID-19 wave (2020-2021): a longitudinal study in Switzerland. Int J Equity Health. 2023;22:51. DOI: 10.1186/s12939-023-01853-2
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