Facts and Figures

Dedicated to Research, Education and Services

Swiss TPH is a public-law institution and currently receives 22% of its annual income of around 105 million Swiss francs from the cantons of Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft, the federal government and the University of Basel. The remaining 78% is raised competitively from funding agencies, foundations and clients.

Since January 2022, the institute has its headquarters in Allschwil in the Canton of Basel-Landschaft. The Centre for Tropical and Travel Medicine has been located at Aeschenplatz 2 in Basel-Stadt since January 2024.

Associated Institute of the University of  Basel

As an associate institute of the University of Basel, Swiss TPH has a teaching role at the Faculties of Medicine, of Science and of Humanities and Social Scienes, as well as in postgraduate education and training at national and international level.

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