Evidence Aid collaboration
Project Abstract
Evidence Aid was founded by Mike Clarke, following the Indian Ocean tsunami in December 2004. It is a United Kingdom based Non-Governmental Organisation, with the mandate to make research evidence relevant to humanitarian crises available for humanitarian workers and organisations, as outline inthe strategy to 2025: ‘Using evidence, saving lives: transforming decision-making in disasters and emergencies’. As a best practice in health science, saving lives requires that interventions are informed by the best available evidence.
Evidence Aid produces summaries and syntheses of systematic reviews on topics such as earthquakes, health of refugees and asylum seekers, the humanitarian impact of climatechange, managing mental injuries in disasters, managing physical injuries in disasters, prevention and treatment of acute malnutrition, resilient health systems, windstorms, Zika, COVID-19 and Ebola.
Xavier Bosch-Capblanch has had the privilege to work in the past with Evidence Aid and currently he as the honour of being part of the Board of Trustees, since June 2022.The Board is supporting Evidence Aid in accomplishing its mandate and promotes the use of evidence in humanitarian contexts to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of live-saving interventions.
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