HiUm - Heat and health: Status of the implementation of adaptation measures

Increasing heat stress poses a risk to human health. The Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH), together with other federal agencies, is implementing the measure "Information and recommendations for protection against heat" as part of the second federal Adaptation to climate change action plan in Switzerland (2020 - 2025).

The focus of the measure to date has been on developing a knowledge base and providing information and recommendations on protection against heat. The target groups are vulnerable population groups as well as experts and authorities who are committed to protecting the population from heat-related risks.

Swiss TPH is analyzing the concrete implementation of health-related heat protection measures in the healthcare sector between 2023 and 2026. Four surveys are being conducted among the population, the authorities and healthcare professionals on the topic of heat and health. The aims are to determine the status of implementation, identify implementation gaps and formulate recommendations for stakeholders. The first target group to be surveyed in summer 2023 is the population aged 50 and over on their individual heat literacy.


Martucci C, Röösli M, Ragettli M. Hitzekompetenz der Bevölkerung 50+ in der Schweiz: Wissen, Betroffenheit, Handeln im Sommer 2023. Allschwil: Swiss TPH, 2024

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