MOOC IRM - Massive Open Online Course on Insecticide Resistance Management

The Global Plan for Insecticide Resistance Management (GPIRM) (WHO 2012) is the authoritative resource for Insecticide Resistance Management (IRM) in the mosquito vectors of malaria. However, IRM is an applied science, and there is a need to translate theory into practice. Whilst there are currently few mosquito adulticides available for use in IRM programmes, a number of novel insecticides are being developed, or repurposed, for vector control (VC). With new insecticides available, to which anopheline mosquitoes are susceptible, there will be the opportunity to undertake effective resistance management, perhaps for the first time in 30 years.

To realise the maximum long-term benefit from this opportunity, it is vital that best practice IRM is implemented as soon as these novel insecticides come to the market, not after the mosquitoes have already lost susceptibility to them. To help facilitate this, the VCWG IRS/IRM Work Stream is developing an online IRM training course or ‘MOOC’ (Massive Online Open Course). The IRM MOOC will be free for the participant and open to anyone, but will be specifically designed for, and promoted to, those involved with practical malaria vector control.

Capacity Building
Public Health

Project Facts