Multifaceted impacts of COVID-19 on bottom forty percent income residents in Malaysia: inequities and co-benefits of interventions

The aim of this project is to contribute to a better understanding of the multifaceted impacts of COVID-19 crisis among the bottom low-income urban communities in Malaysia and improve the benefits from public health interventions. The specific objectives are: (i)- To analyze the available epidemiological datasets and determine the finest figures on how the B40 low-income urban communities have been affected by the COVID-19 (clusters, age, gender); (ii)- To identify challenges and successes in implementation of the specific public health interventions against the COVID-19 and other ongoing more general environmental health programs in the B40 communities; (iii)-To explore and discuss with the stakeholders the inequities and co-benefits that could have happened from the different interventions.

Involved Regions: East Asia and Pacific
Involved Countries: Malaysia

Public Health

Project Facts

Collaborating Institutions