PASS Sud Kivu - The Health System Support Program
Project Abstract
The Health System Support Program (Programme d'Appui au Système de Santé dans la Province du Sud Kivu - PASS SK), funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), is a social and health development program that operates through instruments such as financing, technical assistance, capacity building, infrastructure rehabilitation, technical platform improvement and other development approaches.
The general objective of PASS IV is formulated as follows: "The health status of the population of the 8 supported Health Zones is improved thanks to the provision of quality and accessible care".
As part of the project to revitalize Mutual Health Organisations (MHO), it has been decided to continue the technical support started in 2017 for the implementation of a management information system of MHO activities (enrollment, premium collection, identification and claim processing management). Thus, the openIMIS software will be made operational in 9 MHO in order to professionalize insurance activities via:
- On side missions planned for operational processes adaptations and trainings for designated key resources persons of MHO: openIMIS administrators, animators as well as medical officers will be trained.
- Remote technical support on an ongoing basis until 2020 given by a health-financing expert and an IT expert.