Kristina Pelikan, PhD

Project Associate

Applied Lingustics PhD

Organisational Entity

Kristina works in the Human and Animal Health Unit with Jakob Zinsstag, where she conducts her research

In her habilitation project, she is investigating the (subject) linguistic manifestation of scientific and non-scientific thinking styles in transdisciplinary cooperation. Inter- and intralingual multilingualism play a major role here, as do communication strategies and ethical questions of scientific collaboration.


Kristina completed her linguistic studies (German Linguistics, General Linguistics, Medieval Linguistics, Computational Linguistics) at the University of Freiburg i.Br. with a Master's thesis on corporate communication, at the same time gaining practical experience in this field. Before coming to Swiss TPH in 2010, she worked in the field of corporate communication. At Swiss TPH, she led the communication and knowledge management work package of the AMASA project (Accessing Medicines in Africa and South Asia, EU FP7). Since then, she has been providing project support for inter- and transdisciplinary research projects on project communication and conducts research in this area. At the same time, she works at the Swiss TPH as an ICT supporter - with reference to project communication.

Parallel to the Swiss TPH, she taught linguistics at the PH Freiburg, was a research assistant at the TU Berlin and did her PhD in Applied Linguistics. In Berlin, she had various tasks: Teaching courses in various areas of linguistics, supervising Master's theses (first supervisor), deputising for the chair holder, responsible for equal opportunities and promotion of young researchers at the institute, collaboration in the promotion of young researchers concept at the Technical University of Berlin (led by the vice-president of TU Berlin). She currently teaches at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in the Science Communication programme (focus on linguistics / project communication). Always with the approach "theoria cum praxi", she combines linguistic systematics with applied linguistics - in this way, grammatical topics are also put to practical use (in teaching and research), while at the same time the application can also stimulate basic research. 




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