PPSAC - HIV/AIDS Prevention in Central Africa, Phase VI

Based on the results of the previous phases, Phase VI of the Projet Prévention VIH/SIDA en Afrique Centrale (PPSAC) emphasizes continuity, but at the same time refocus certain main lines of activity. The project focuses on the social marketing of male condoms, on a limited number of target groups for communication around the theme of HIV/AIDS, notably young people aged 15 to 24, and on reducing the stigmatization of People Living with HIV/AIDS by the population. Aligned with these two objectives, phase VI of the PPSAC provides for the following 3 outputs (cor-responding to expected results):
- Output 1: Access to condoms is improved.
- Output 2: The target group's knowledge of and attitudes towards HIV/AIDS and sexuality are improved.
- Output 3: The population is made aware of the rights of People Living with HIV/AIDS.

The project is implemented by the "Organisation de Coordination pour la lutte contre les endémies en Afrique Centrale (OCEAC)" and covers five countries of the CEMAC region: Cameroun, Congo Brazaville, Gabon, Central African Republic and Tchad. Swiss TPH acts as regional consultant to OCEAC assisting the agency in the implementation of the project

Public Health


Kaspar Wyss

Kaspar Wyss, Professor, PhD, MPH
Senior Project Leader


Project Facts