
Swiss TPH strives for excellence in scientific research across a wide range of fields including parasitology, infection biology, epidemiology, public health, health systems and economics.

The Department Medical Parasitology and Infection Biology (MPI) investigates the biology and transmission of pathogens, using findings from this research to develop new drugs and vaccines against neglected tropical and poverty-related infectious diseases like malaria, parasitic worm infections, Buruli ulcer and tuberculosis.

The Department Epidemiology and Public Health (EPH) analyses the distribution and drivers of infectious and non-communicable diseases in populations across the globe and in different cultural and environmental contexts. The researchers apply methods ranging from anthropology and social science to biostatistics and mathematical modelling as well as observational cohorts with biobanks.

The Department of Medicine (MED) provides unique services in travel and tropical medicine and diagnostics, and has strong expertise in clinical research for drugs, diagnostic and vaccines - including pharmaceutical, clinical and implementation research - with a focus on poverty-related diseases.

Innovation - Validation - Application


Research Governance

Leading House Africa

SSPH+ Journals Editorial Office

Swiss TPH Publication Database