PSR South Sudan - Preparing the Programme Support Rationale (PSR) for South Sudan

The Republic of South Sudan (RSS) is a low-income country, still immersed in conflicts, with a fragile state and a complex web of stakeholders. Thus, provision of health services, including vaccination is challenging. Gavi is the main supporter of the Expanded Programme for Immunization (EPI) in the RSS. The Programme Support Rationale (PSR), focusing on country priorities, identifies critical gaps and priorities to address challenges and to reflect commitments from stakeholders, collects the whole array of activities required to unfold the EPI and the budget for these activities. Components of the PSR include as well a theory of change and M&E and accountability frameworks.

The Swiss TPH will accompany the Ministry of Health in leading the production of the PSR (i.e. findings from the desk review, contributions from workshops and documentation of consultation processes), engaging with relevant stakeholders and Gavi. Approaches include desk reviews, stakeholders mapping, programme analyses and evidence reviews.

The PSR will guide immunisation activities in the RSS in the coming years, under the umbrella of the Immunisation Agenda 2020-2030. 

Health Information Systems Vaccines and Immunisation Programmes


Xavier Bosch-Capblanch

Xavier Bosch-Capblanch, PD, MD, MSc, PhD
(no function)


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