Preventing Pandemics in the CEMAC region

The German Ministry Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation is interested in investing through KfW in a future project which aims to strengthen pandemic prevention capacities in the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC), by reducing the negative impact of infectious diseases, particularly on vulnerable groups such as children, people with medical histories and the elderly. The measures could be implemented in various areas such as the acquisition and provision of technical infrastructure (e.g. laboratories), strengthening staff skills, including in research on zoonotic diseases and laboratory techniques, strengthening the epidemic/pandemic information system for regional data exchange, installation and equipment of diagnostic laboratories, and strengthening subregional coordination and response capacity.

Swiss TPH has been selected as consultant tasked with the elaboration of this new project which would be executued by the "Organisation de Coordination pour la lutte contre les Endémies en Afrique Centrale" (OCEAC). the assignment consist of three phases: (i) scoping study, (ii) feasibility study, and (iii) drafting of the new project for the prevention of pandemics in the Central African Region. The mandate includes a range of activities such as situational analysis and elaboration of an inventory of on-going projects for the prevention of epidemics, interviews with a range of stakeholders such as African-CDC, WHO and policy- and decision-makers in the CEMAC region as well as site visits to Cameroun, the Central African Republic, Congo Brazzaville, Gabun, Chad and Equatorial Guinea. The work is implementation in close collaboration with OCEAC as the future beneficiary of the project



Kaspar Wyss

Kaspar Wyss, Professor, PhD, MPH
Senior Project Leader


Project Facts