Stakeholder mapping in Rwanda's Nutrition and Food Systems

Given the complexity of the actors operating and delivering on nutrition outcomes, and engaging and participating in the government decision-making processes related to Food Systems we are undertaking an analytical mapping of the actors involved in nutrition and food system in Rwanda. Through this mixed methods research we are aiming to understand the roles and perspectives of different stakeholders and their interconnection and influence among each other. The mapping study is building on existing mapping studies carried out in the past by partners and particularly focusing on receiving a list of registered NGOs and CSO who will then be scored on a) the human resources a stakeholder has available, b) the financial resources a stakeholder has available, c) the political resources a stakeholder has available, d) the potential reaction of a stakeholder to different decisions related to nutrition and food systems, and e) a stakeholder’s interest (i.e. motives and concerns) in nutrition and food systems by representatives from Rwanda's Joint Action For Development Forum. We will complete our mapping with a desk review based policy gap analysis and key informant interivews at national level further complementing how stakeholders are coordinating and coordinated and what other food environmental factors influence their activities. 


Cornelia Speich

Project Facts