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Quantitative ultrastructural differences in the mitochondrium of pleomorphic bloodforms of <em>Trypanosoma brucei</em> (Publications)
Blood transfusion in relation to malaria endemic and AIDS epidemic (Publications)
Zum Konkurrenzverhalten zweier Schneckenarten: Bulinus obtusispira (Smith), Zwischenwirt von <em>Schistosoma haematobium</em>, und Bulinus liratus... (Publications)
Ökologie: was der Mediziner wissen sollte (Publications)
Der Absentismus in Primarschulen: der Einfluss von Lernschwierigkeiten, Verhältnis vom Kind zum Lehrer und sozialem Verhalten, unter Einbezug der... (Publications)
Epidemiological exposure assessment (Publications)
Traditional Knowledge for Health Project: findings of a study into the traditional knowledge of traditional birth attendants related to maternal... (Publications)
Community perceptions of cholera and oral cholera vaccines in DRC. Summary report for WHO (Publications)
Alkaloid subfractions of <em>Buxus sempervirens l.</em> leaves with strong in vitro activity against <em>Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense</em> (Publications)
Human African trypanosomiasis (Publications)