"All those who live under the sky are woven together like one big mat" (Page)
Madagascar, the fourth largest island in the world with 90% of its wildlife being found nowhere else on earth, has some unexpected innovation happening high above the baobab trees and vast rainforests
COVID-19: Have we learned anything from previous lessons? (Page)
History as tragedy and drama According to Karl Marx, world-historical events always happen twice. Once as a tragedy, the other time as a farce. ("18th Brumaire of Louis Napoleon"). The global COVID-19
Student Spotlight: Maryam Tavakkoli (Page)
Maryam, tell us a bit about your research at Swiss TPH I started my PhD in Epidemiology and Public Health at Swiss TPH in 2018. My research is focused on road traffic crash data systems in low- and mi
FAQ (Page)
Häufige Fragen zur SOPHYA-Studie 1. Um was geht es in dieser Studie? Sport und Bewegung leisten einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Gesundheitsförderung und Entwicklung im Kindes und Jugendalter. Um Massnahme
SOPHYA: Swiss children’s Objectively measured PHYsical Activity Lo studio SOPHYA ha analizzato il modo in cui i bambini e gli adolescenti di tutta la Svizzera si muovono o praticano sport e come quest
Environment and Health | Swiss TPH (Page)
Environment and Health Swiss TPH explores the health impact of many environmental exposures ranging from indoor and outdoor air pollution to climate change, electromagnetic fields and noise. In large
Infectious Diseases | Swiss TPH (Page)
Infectious Diseases of Poverty Helminths HIV/AIDS Human African Tryponosomiasis (HAT) Malaria Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) Tuberculosis Swiss TPH has a longstanding experience in research into p
Health Systems and Interventions | Swiss TPH (Page)
Health Systems and Interventions Social Health Insurance District Management Family Medicine & Integrated Care Health Technology Management Health Promotion Digital Health Health Information Systems S