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Pains, pills, and physicians : self-medication as social agency among elderly people in urban Sulawesi, Indonesia (Publications)
Der Ansatz des 'Medizinischen Pluralismus' in Zeiten der Globalisierung : eine medizinethnologische Perspektive (Publications)
Macht und Magie von neun roten Pillen : alte Leute und ihre Wahrnehmung von Medikamenten in Nord-Sulawesi, Indonesien (Publications)
Budaya, kesehatan dan kemiskinan: mencari model alternatif pelayanan kesehatan dalam pendekatan budaya di Sulawesi utara (Publications)
Health definitions of women in a low-standart settlement of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (Publications)
Health care from the perspectives of Minahasa villagers, Indonesia (Publications)
Growing old in the city (Publications)
When social security reaches its limits: long-term care of elderly people in urban Indonesia (Publications)
Elderly people with chronic illnesses in urban north Sulawesi (Indonesia) (Publications)
Small but strong : cultural contexts of (mal)-nutrition among the northern Kwanga (East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea) (Publications)