Defining the Noma Research Agenda | Swiss TPH Symposium (Page)
Defining the Noma Research Agenda Swiss TPH Hybrid Symposium Only complicated plastic surgery can help affected children in the long term. 4-year-old Maryam has already undergone four operations, most
spezifische Luftschadstoffe (Page)
Rapport sur les polluants atmosphériques spécifiques Gesundheitliche Beurteilung von Mikroplastik in der Aussenluft Die Dokumentationsstelle LUDOK am Schweizerischen Tropen- und Public Health Institut
CAS Health Research and Interventions | Study at Swiss TPH (Page)
Health Research and Interventions (CAS HRI) Overview The Certificate of Advanced Studies in Health Research and Interventions (CAS HRI) provides international participants with an in-depth understandi
CAS Health Systems and Management | Study at Swiss TPH (Page)
Health Systems and Management (CAS HSM) Overview The Certificate of Advanced Studies in Health Systems and Management (CAS HSM) provides international participants with the competencies to strategical
Master of Advanced Studies in International Health | Swiss TPH (Page)
MAS International Health (MAS IH) Overview The Master of Advanced Studies International Health (MAS IH) prepares students to act as international health experts and implementers, capable of addressing
Support the Swiss TPH Scholarship Fund (Page)
Empower the Next Generation The backbone of a functioning health system is the people who work every day for our health and well-being, including nurses and doctors, policy makers, financial experts a
Support Us (Page)
Support Us: Health for All Health is a precious commodity: for every one of us, for the communities we live in and for the prosperity of our entire planet. Therefore, access to affordable healthcare,
Support Group at Swiss TPH (Page)
The Support Group at Swiss TPH In 1989, staff of Swiss TPH founded the “Support Group at Swiss TPH”, an association of employees and friends of Swiss TPH with a constitution, a managing board and an a