Recherche de *.
Physical fitness in preschool children: correlates and intervention effects (the Ballabeina Study) (Publications)
Geostatistical modelling of schistosomiasis transmission in Africa (Publications)
Temporal variations in malaria risk in Africa (Publications)
Factors influencing uptake of HIV testing and non-initiation of and attrition from antiretroviral therapy care in Lusaka, Zambia (Publications)
Crosstalk between <em>Trypanosoma brucei</em> and the tsetse fly (Publications)
Towards integrated control of East Cost fever, a devastating disease of cattle (Publications)
Molecular epidemiology of dengue viruses from complete genome sequences (Publications)
Community-directed intervention against liver fluke and soil-transmitted helminths in endemic areas of southern Laos (Publications)
Investigations on potential drug candidates and metabonomics-based diagnostic biomarker discovery for human soil-transmitted helminthiases (Publications)
Mycolactone-dependent depletion of endothelial cell thrombomodulin is strongly associated with fibrin deposition in Buruli ulcer lesions (Publications)