Intraspecific competition between co-infecting parasite strains enhances host survival in African trypanosomes (Publications)
It is becoming increasingly clear that under natural conditions parasitic infections commonly consist of co-infections with multiple conspecific strains. Multiple-strain infections lead to intraspecif
Prevalence and implications of multiple-strain infections (Publications)
Infections frequently contain multiple strains (genotypes) of the same pathogen, yet they are still usually treated as uniform entities. In this Review, we discuss problems with inconsistent definitio
Factors determining household expenditure for tuberculosis and coping strategies in Tajikistan (Publications)
Objective: To investigate factors influencing expenditure levels and the use of potentially detrimental coping strategies among tuberculosis (TB) patients. For the purpose of the present study, potent
Predictors and overestimation of recalled mobile phone use among children and adolescents (Publications)
A growing body of literature addresses possible health effects of mobile phone use in children and adolescents by relying on the study participants' retrospective reconstruction of mobile phone use. I