The effect of integrated management of childhood illness on observed quality of care of under-fives in rural Tanzania (Publications)
Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) has been adopted by over 80 countries as a strategy for reducing child mortality and improving child health and development. It includes complementary
How important is the angle of tilt in the WHO cone bioassay? (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The World Health Organization (WHO) cone bioassay plays an integral role in the evaluation of the efficacy of long-lasting insecticidal nets as well as insecticides used in indoor residual
Tod am Kilombero : Tanners Kampf gegen Malaria [TV Broadcast] (Publications)
"Alle 30 Sekunden stirbt in Afrika ein Kind an Malaria, weltweit sind es Jahr für Jahr bis zu drei Millionen Menschen. Der Kampf gegen den grössten Killer der dritten Welt scheint aussichtslos. Und do
Air pollution modelling for birth cohorts: a time-space regression model (Publications)
BACKGROUND: To investigate air pollution effects during pregnancy or in the first weeks of life, models are needed that capture both the spatial and temporal variability of air pollution exposures. ME