Mit Afrika verwurzelt – die Sängerin und der Malaria-Forscher [Radio Broadcast] (Publications)
Nubyas Vater stammt aus Nigeria. Sie besucht ihn regelmässig in seiner Heimat in Lagos. Der Malaria-Forscher Marcel Tanner verbrachte mit seiner Familie viel Zeit in Kamerun und Tansania. Bei Gastgebe
Voices of Youth video project: the process of participatory video production [Video] (Publications)
The video project Voices of Youth aimed at giving Tanzanian youth a voice by empowering them to speak out and to visualize their experiences related to sexuality and teenage pregnancy. Voices of Youth
Disseminated tuberculosis in an HIV-infected child: rifampicin resistance detected by GeneXpert in a lymph node aspirate but not in cerebrospinal... (Publications)
A 9-year-old HIV-infected child previously treated with inadequate doses of antitubercular drugs based on weight was admitted 5 months after initial tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis with acute hemiplegia a
Characterization of vaccine antigens of meningococcal serogroup W isolates from Ghana and Burkina Faso from 2003 to 2009 (Publications)
Neisseria meningitidis is a major cause of bacterial meningitis and a considerable health problem in the 25 countries of the 'African Meningitis Belt' that extends from Senegal in West Africa to Ethio
Sensitivity and specificity of a urine circulating anodic antigen test for the diagnosis of <em>Schistosoma haematobium</em> in low endemic settings (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Elimination of schistosomiasis as a public health problem and interruption of transmission in selected areas are key goals of the World Health Organization for 2025. Conventional parasitol
A global biomedical R&D fund and mechanism for innovations of public health importance (Publications)
Bernard Pécoul and colleagues call for the establishment of a global biomedical R&D fund as a key priority of the G7 summit in June 2015.