Recherche de *.
Mathematical modelling of dye-sensitised solar cells (Publications)
Measures of exposure in air pollution epidemiology and health risk assessment (Publications)
Introducing insecticide treated mosquito nets in the Kilombero valley (Tanzania) social and cultural dimensions (Publications)
Novel insights into the epigenetic regulation of<em> Plasmodium falciparum</em> virulence genes (Publications)
Epidemiology and diagnosis of schistosomiasis in preschool-aged children in Azaguié, south Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
Etude épidémiologique de la malnutrition en milieu nomade au Tchad: diagnostic et approche d'interventions (Publications)
Standpunkt : Achtung Tier! Aïsata und ihr Hund : wie in afrikanischen Städten die Tollwut ausgerottet werden kann (Publications)
Vorkommen von Stechmücken im Naturwaldreservat Langholz, Kanton Aargau (Publications)
Epidemiology of brucellosis and Q fever in Togo and the risk of disease spread through cattle trade in West Africa (Publications)
Impact sanitaire de l'utilisation d'eaux polluées en agriculture urbaine: cas du maraîchage à Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) (Publications)