Use of transition probabilities to estimate the effect of smoking on the duration of episodes of respiratory symptoms in diary data: the Swiss Study... (Publications)
Incompletely documented symptom episodes pose methodological problems in the analysis of diary data. The aim of this study was to develop a method of estimating the average durations of symptomatic an
Selection bias of elderly patients with chronic angina referred for catheterization (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Registry patients are generally older and more sick than patients enrolled in trials questioning the generalizability of trial results. We assessed whether such a selection bias also exist
Home outdoor NO2 and new onset of self-reported asthma in adults (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Few studies have investigated new onset of asthma in adults in relation to air pollution. The aim of this study is to investigate the association between modeled background levels of traff
Association between modelled traffic-related air pollution and asthma score in the ECRHS (Publications)
The aim of our analysis was to study the association between air pollution and asthma among adults. For this goal, a previously developed "asthma score" was used. Persons aged 25-44 yrs were randomly
Synthetic GPI array to study antitoxic malaria response (Publications)
Parasite glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) is an important toxin in malaria disease, and people living in malaria-endemic regions often produce high levels of anti-GPI antibodies. The natural anti-GP
Epidemiology and clinical features of imported dengue fever in Europe: sentinel surveillance data from TropNetEurop5 (Publications)
Travelers have the potential both to acquire and to spread dengue virus infection. The incidence of dengue fever (DF) among European travelers certainly is underestimated, because few centers use stan