Globale Gesundheit | Swiss TPH Short Courses (Page)
Globale Gesundheit Overview In this short course, the main areas of focus are brought together under the umbrella term Global Health. In the first block, Geographical Medicine, a wide range of disease
Global estimates on the number of people blind or visually impaired by glaucoma: a meta-analysis from 2000 to 2020 (Publications)
OBJECTIVES: To estimate global and regional trends from 2000 to 2020 of the number of persons visually impaired by glaucoma and their proportion of the total number of vision-impaired individuals. MET
Quality Improvement in Healthcare (Page)
Quality Improvement in Healthcare Quality improvement in healthcare includes all mechanisms and interventions that aim to continually optimise how healthcare services are delivered to patients and pop
Systems Thinking Toolkit (Page)
Systems Thinking Toolkit Systems thinking is a discipline that allows individuals to understand and intervene in complex systems. It helps those that use it to look at realities with a holistic lens,
Health Interventions | Research at Swiss TPH (Page)
Unit | Health Interventions Health Interventions Analytics and Intervention Modelling Malaria Epidemiology and Control The mission of the Health Interventions Unit revolves around the development and
Disease Modelling and Intervention Dynamics | Swiss TPH (Page)
Group | Disease Modelling and Intervention Dynamics Disease Modelling Disease Modelling and Intervention Dynamics Mathematical Epidemiology The Disease Modelling and Intervention Dynamics research gro
Disease Modelling | Research at Swiss TPH (Page)
Unit | Disease Modelling Disease Modelling Disease Modelling and Intervention Dynamics Mathematical Epidemiology The Disease Modelling unit develops and uses approaches in computational sciences, stat
Exposome Science (Page)
Group | Exposome Science Chronic Disease Epidemiology Agricultural Health Exposome Science The Exposome Science Group has established one of the largest chronic disease-related biobanks in Switzerland
Chronic Disease Epidemiology | Research at Swiss TPH (Page)
Unit | Chronic Disease Epidemiology Chronic Disease Epidemiology Agricultural Health Exposome Science The Burden of Non-Communicable Diseases The fight against infections, including interventions by S
Sensoring and Environmental Epidemiology | Swiss TPH (Page)
Group | Sensoring and Environmental Epidemiology Environmental Exposures and Health Environmental Exposure Modelling Physical Hazards and Health Sensoring and Environmental Epidemiology Technologies a