Recherche de *.
Evaluation of health problems abroad: cohort and case series designs (Publications)
Treasure hunters - die Wertstoffsammler in Cagayan de Oro, Philippinen: eine ethnologische Untersuchung ihrer Livelihood-Strategien (Publications)
Epidemiology of malaria in the southern highlands and the gulf province Papua New Ginea (Publications)
Myanmar midwife: an eye-opening look at midwifery in rural Myanmar (Publications)
Development of a new double-antibody sandwich ELISA to evaluate antimalarial drug sensitivity (Publications)
The seasonal dynamics of human retinol status and its environmental determinants in Sahelian mobile pastoralists (Publications)
Population pharmacokinetic investigations on the trypanocidal drug melarsoprol (Publications)
<em>In vitro</em> studies to compare the efficacy of marketed and new drugs against <em>Trichuris muris</em> (Publications)
Determinants of adoption of solar water disinfection (SODIS) in the BoliviaWET trial (Publications)
Investigating the 2005 Singaporean dengue outbreak (Publications)