Var genes located within subtelomeric region of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> chromosomes: analaysis of their genomic organisation and Identification... (Publications)
Analysis of expression of PDCP and MAL 13P1.308 of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> employing a quantitative proteomics approach based on SILAC (Publications)
Health problems (especially intestinal parasitoses) of children living in Smokey Mountain, a squatter area of Manila, Philippines [Diplomarbeit] (Publications)
The knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and practices of refugees about HIV/AIDS in a multinational refugee setting of nakivale refugee camp in Mbarara... (Publications)
Assessment of skilled delivery service utilization and associated factors among women of reproductive age, the case of Degem district, Oromia,... (Publications)