Improved latrines minimally impact <em>Schistosoma mekongi </em>transmission in Mekong islands (Publications)
Schistosoma mekongi and other intestinal helminth infections remain public health concerns in Lao People's Democratic Republic, especially in remote areas where access to sanitation is limited. We per
Prospects for dog rabies elimination in Nigeria by 2030 (Publications)
The attainment of the global target of zero dog-mediated human rabies by 2030 depends on functional rabies programmes. Nigeria, a rabies-endemic country, and the most populous country in Africa has a
High incidence of catheter-associated urinary tract infections and related antibiotic resistance in two hospitals of different geographic regions of... (Publications)
OBJECTIVE: Catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) are common worldwide, but due to limited resources, its actual burden in low-income countries is unknown. Currently, there are gaps in k
Antibiotic use and consumption among medical patients of two hospitals in Sierra Leone: a descriptive report (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Although one of the main drivers of antimicrobial resistance is inappropriate antibiotic prescribing, there are limited resources to support the surveillance of antibiotic consumption in l
Sporozoite immunization: innovative translational science to support the fight against malaria (Publications)
INTRODUCTION: Malaria, a devastating febrile illness caused by protozoan parasites, sickened 247,000,000 people in 2021 and killed 619,000, mostly children and pregnant women in sub-Saharan Africa. A
Gynaecologic and breast cancers in women living with HIV in South Africa: a record linkage study (Publications)
Breast and gynaecologic cancers account for approximately half of all cancers diagnosed amongst women in South Africa, many of whom also live with HIV. We aimed to determine the incidence of and risk
<em>Strongyloides</em>: omics to worm-free populations (Publications)
This article is part of the Theo Murphy meeting issue 'Strongyloides: omics to worm-free populations'.
Statistical methods applied for the assessment of the HIV cascade and continuum of care: a systematic scoping review (Publications)
OBJECTIVES: This scoping review aims to identify and synthesise existing statistical methods used to assess the progress of HIV treatment programmes in terms of the HIV cascade and continuum of care a
The first <em>Helicobacter pylori</em>-induced Guillain-Barré syndrome in Sudan (Publications)
KEY CLINICAL MESSAGE: This case report highlights the role of Helicobacter pylori infection in the development of GBS. Healthcare providers should consider H. pylori in their differential diagnosis fo