Assessing numbers and faces: a prerequisite for improving access to lymphatic filariasis morbidity care (Publications)
Concerted efforts to eliminate lymphatic filariasis worldwide have registered success; multiple rounds of mass drug administration have led to the interruption of transmission in many previously endem
Antibody and T cell responses associated with experimental human malaria infection or vaccination show limited relationships (Publications)
This study examined specific antibody and T cell responses associated with experimental malaria infection or malaria vaccination, in malaria-naive human volunteers within phase I/IIa vaccine trials, w
New diagnostic tools in schistosomiasis (Publications)
Schistosomiasis is a water-based parasitic disease that affects over 250 million people. Control efforts have long been in vain, which is one reason why schistosomiasis is considered a neglected tropi
One-hour rule-in and rule-out of acute myocardial infarction using high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I (Publications)
OBJECTIVE: We aimed to prospectively derive and validate a novel 1h-algorithm using high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I (hs-cTnI) for early rule-out and rule-in of acute myocardial infarction. METHODS
Anti-trypanosomal cadinanes synthesized by transannular cyclization of the natural sesquiterpene lactone nobilin (Publications)
Acid-catalyzed transannular cyclization of the germacrene-type sesquiterpene lactone nobilin 1 was investigated with the aim of obtaining new anti-trypanosomal cadinane derivatives. The reaction was r
LUR models for particulate matters in the Taipei metropolis with high densities of roads and strong activities of industry, commerce and construction (Publications)
Traffic intensity, length of road, and proximity to roads are the most common traffic indicators in the land use regression (LUR) models for particulate matter in ESCAPE study areas in Europe. This st
Particulate matter composition and respiratory health: the PIAMA birth cohort study (Publications)
BACKGROUND:: Ambient particulate matter (PM) exposure is associated with children's respiratory health. Little is known about the importance of different PM constituents. We investigated the effects o