Health Commodities Management (Page)
Health Commodities Management A poorly managed medicines and medical supply chain leads to low quality of healthcare. Significant resources are allocated to health commodities in low- and middle-incom
SwissLEGIO (Page)
The SwissLEGIO Project Legionnaires’ disease/legionellosis is a severe form of pneumonia. The disease is notifiable to the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health. Over the past ten years, annual report
IMIS fr (Page)
Couverture Sanitaire Universelle : créer et mettre en place des systèmes d’information de gestion de l’assurance Swiss TPH soutient l'Agenda 2030, en particulier les objectifs liés à la santé et l'obj
Application Management Courses (Page)
Management Courses Thank you for your registration! We will contact you as soon as possible with your invoice. If you have requested online participation, we will confirm your choice as soon as possib
Application (Page)
MBA in International Health Management Thank you for completing this application form. We will be in touch with you shortly. If you have any questions, please contact us at Yours
Anmeldung (Page)
Diagnostikkurs in medizinischer Parasitologie Herzlichen Dank für Ihr Interesse an unserem Kursangebot. Wir werden Ihnen in Kürze die Bestätigung sowie weitere wichtige Informationen zum Kurs zusenden
Inscription (Page)
Inscription cours de diagnostic Merci pour votre inscription. Nous vous enverrons une confirmation dans les prochains jours. Meilleures salutations, Votre secrétariat de cours au Swiss TPH
Spirituality and One Health (Page)
One Health is defined as the added value of a closer collaboration between human and veterinary medicine and related sciences. This added value can be measured as improved human and animal health, fin
World Zoonoses Day: The Jigjiga One Health Initiative (Page)
Over 30 million pastoralists in Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya are affected by inadequate access to essential healthcare and a poorly developed veterinary service for their livestock. Pastoralist communi