Isolation of the major toxic protein from the skin venom of the crested newt, <em>Triturus cristatus</em> (Publications)
A new protein, of molecular weight 160,000, was isolated from the skin venom of the crested newt and partially characterized by bioassays and biochemical methods. This protein shows the same functiona
Functional morphology of the midgut of <em>Aedes aegypti</em> L. (Insecta, Diptera) during blood digestion (Publications)
Morphometric analysis of the epithelial lining of the stomach of A. aegypti suggests that digestion of the first blood meal in the stomach of this species can be viewed as a series of phases that can
Comparative evaluation of 7 helminth antigens in the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (E.L.I.S.A.) (Publications)
112 sera from Europeans with parasitologically proven helminthiasis were tested in the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (E.L.I.S.A.) against 6 crude extracts of various helminths (2 of adult worms: D
Morphometric parameters of the midgut cells of <em>Aedes aegypti </em>L. (Insecta, Diptera) under various conditions (Publications)
Previous morphometric or biochemical investigations have yielded different data on the distribution of free and membrane-bound ribosomes in midgut cells of Aedes aegypti. In the present paper ribosoma
Etude clinique et thérapeutique d'un collectif de 217 patients atteints de giardiase et d'amibiase intestinales (Publications)
In 15 months of the years 1979-1980, 158 patients with giardiasis and 69 patients with intestinal amebiasis were diagnosed and treated in the outpatient department of the Swiss Tropical Institute. Rep
Down syndrome in births near landfill sites (Publications)
OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study was to examine the risk of giving birth to a child with Down syndrome associated with residence near landfill sites in England and Wales. METHODS: A 2-km zone around 6
No excess risk of adverse birth outcomes in populations living near special waste landfill sites in Scotland (Publications)
A recent study showed small excess risks of low birth weight, very low birth weight and certain congenital anomalies in populations living near landfill sites in Great Britain. The objective of the cu
Cancer risks in populations living near landfill sites in Great Britain (Publications)
Previous studies have raised concerns about possible excess risks of bladder, brain and hepatobiliary cancers and leukaemias near landfill sites. Several cancers have been implicated, but no consisten
Relation of trihalomethane concentrations in public water supplies to stillbirth and birth weight in three water regions in England (Publications)
We investigated the association between total trihalomethanes (TTHMs) and risk of stillbirth and low and very low birth weight in three water regions in England, 1992-1998; associations with individua