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Die serologische Diagnostik der Malaria (Publications)
Viruslike particles in the tsetse fly <em>Glossina morsitans sspp.</em> Preliminary results (Publications)
Morphometric analysis of the midgut of female <em>Aedes aegypti</em> (L.) (Insecta, Diptera) under various physiological conditions (Publications)
Nouveaux traitments des schistosomiases (Publications)
Chimiothérapie moderne des helminthiases (Publications)
Weitere Untersuchungen über das Gift der ostafrikanischen orthognathen Spinne Pterinochilus sp. (vorläufiger Bericht) (Publications)
Die serologische Diagnostik von Protozoosen und Helminthiasen (Publications)
The venom of the east African spider Pterinochilus sp. (Publications)
Diagnostic biologique des maladies tropicales d'importation (Publications)
Ultrastruktur der Symbionten in Ovocyten von <em>Ornithodorus moubata</em>, Murray (Ixodoidea, Argasidae) nach simultaner... (Publications)