Agreement of land use regression models with personal exposure measurements of particulate matter and nitrogen oxides air pollution (Publications)
Land use regression (LUR) models are often used to predict long-term average concentrations of air pollutants. Little is known how well LUR models predict personal exposure. In this study the agreemen
Stability of measured and modelled spatial contrasts in NO2 over time (Publications)
OBJECTIVES: Land use regression (LUR) modelling is a popular method to estimate outdoor air pollution concentrations at the home and/or work addresses of individual subjects in epidemiological studies
Die Wandlungen von Konfliktreaktionsmechanismen bei jugendlichen Dissozialen in einem tehrapeutischen Milieu (Publications)
An institution of execution of measures is passing through changes towards a therapeutic community. The effect of this change is assessed in terms of elopements and illness episodes. The conflict reac