Stillen, die natürliche Massnahme zur Förderung der Gesundheit (Publications)
Breast-feeding has long been accepted as the best way of feeding young children. Promotion of breast-feeding in hospitals has increased the proportion of women beginning to breast feed. The maintenanc
Epidemiologie der fetalen Missbildungen in der Schweiz (Publications)
Official certificates of stillbirth and infant death are analysed in the birth cohort of 1979-81. Congenital malformations account for approx. 40% of infant mortality. Cantonal differences in malforma
Medikamentenkonsum bei Basler Schülern (Publications)
A survey on drug consumption of school children of Basle (age 13-18) was conducted by anonymous questionnaire and involved 50% of the adolescents concerned. Analgesic drugs were taken by almost 60% of
Health-related effects of repetitive activities (Publications)
Two hundred workers of the Swiss watch industry were examined in a study of repetitive work effects on the well-being of workers. Repetitive work has shown to have two main influences on well-being: R
Breast feeding money in Switzerland (Publications)
A mailed questionnaire was sent to all sickness-insurances on the subject of breast-feeding premium. 52% of the insurances replied, representing 90% of all insured persons. In 1976 23% of the mothers