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Swiss epidemiology needs Swiss epidemiologists (Publications)
Failure to encourage breast feeding [Commentary] (Publications)
Programme diversity is key to the success of insecticide-treated bednets (Publications)
Human trypanosomiasis: African and American trypansomiasis (Chagas disease) (Publications)
Malaria recommendations for risk groups visiting sub-Saharan Africa: a survey of European expert opinion and international guidelines (Publications)
An exploratory study using mHealth technology to describe health risks to travelers (Publications)
Chronic ulcers in <em>Buruli ulcer</em> patients following specific treatment in a district hospital in Ghana (Publications)
Urbanisation in Côte d'Ivoire increases Aedes mosquito hatching rate and contributes to dengue and yellow fever outbreaks by selecting Aedes... (Publications)
Wilhelm His : aus Basel, 1831-1904 (Publications)
HIV infection disrupts the sympatric host-pathogen relationship in human tuberculosis (Publications)