Recherche de *.
Crosstalk between <em>Trypanosoma brucei</em> and the tsetse fly (Publications)
Factors influencing uptake of HIV testing and non-initiation of and attrition from antiretroviral therapy care in Lusaka, Zambia (Publications)
Community-directed intervention against liver fluke and soil-transmitted helminths in endemic areas of southern Laos (Publications)
Towards integrated control of East Cost fever, a devastating disease of cattle (Publications)
Patient falls: a key issue in patient safety in hospitals (Publications)
Geostatistical modelling of schistosomiasis transmission in Africa (Publications)
Antiprotozoal activity profiling of approved drugs: a starting point toward drug repositioning (Publications)
Nationales Programm zur Überwachung der asiatischen Tigermücke : Zwischenbericht 2014 (Publications)
The Geneva gay men's health project: a community-research collaboration to assess and improve the health of gay men in Geneva, Switzerland (Publications)
New drugs against trypanosomatid parasites: rediscovery of fexinidazole (Publications)