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Equity in access to HIV/AIDS services in Zambia: the role of social cohesion in HIV prevention and care (Publications)
Versuch einer morphologischen und neurophysiologischen Analyse des Stechaktes von <em>Rhodnius prolixus</em> Stal 1858 (Publications)
Zur Fortpflanzungsbiologie und zur Entwicklung der Giftdrüsen beim Skorpion <em>Isometrus maculatus</em> (De Geer, 1778) (Scorpiones: Buthidae) (Publications)
Strategic traditions: changing livelihoods, access to food and child malnutrition in the Zambian Kafue Flats (Publications)
Entwicklung eines Lernprogramms "Infektionsbiologie und Epidemiologie": Konzept des Blended Learning für den gleichnamigen Blockkurs am... (Publications)
Influence of health systems in malaria case management as part of malaria control in Tanzania (Publications)
Local understanding and practices related to IMCI interventions in eastern Tanzania (Publications)
Neurasthenia spectrum disorders: clinical cultural epidemiology in Pune, India (Publications)
Diagnostic et épidémiologie moléculaire de la tuberculose bovine au Tchad: cas des bovins destinés à l'abattage (Publications)
Social and cultural features of vaccine acceptance and cost-effectiveness of an oral cholera mass vaccination campaign in Zanzibar (Publications)