Recherche de *.
Personal exposures to traffic-related air pollution while walking and in the car: implications for the assessment of intake fractions (Publications)
A review of land-use regression models to assess spatial variation of outdoor air pollution (Publications)
Chlorination disinfection by-products and risk of stillbirths in England and Wales (Publications)
Effects of travel mode on exposures to particulate air pollution (Publications)
Kaposi sarcoma-associated immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome: in need of a specific case definition (Publications)
Case-control study of mobile phone base stations and early childhood cancers (Publications)
Guía de terapéutica antimicrobiana (Publications)
Ethnobotanische und pharmakologische Studien zu Arzneipflanzen der traditionellen Medizin der Elfenbeinküste (Publications)
Health of children and adolescents in the canton of Basel Land- Results of the health in school aged children study 2006 (Publications)
Water chlorination by-products and congenital anomalies (Publications)