Air pollution and asthma control in the epidemiological study on the genetics and environment of asthma (Publications)
Background The associations between exposure to air pollution and asthma control are not well known. The objective of this study was to assess the association between long-term exposure to NO(2), O(3)
Polyparasitism with <em>Schistosoma mansoni,</em> geohelminths, and intestinal protozoa in rural Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
Single species infections with schistosomes, geohelminths, and intestinal protozoans are common over large parts of sub-Saharan Africa, and it is expected that polyparasitism affects a considerable pr
Quality of primary outpatient services in Dar-es-Salaam: a comparison of government and voluntary providers (Publications)
This study aimed to test whether voluntary agencies provide care of better quality than that provided by government with respect to primary curative outpatient services in Dar-es-Salaam. All non-gover
Acridine Orange for malaria diagnosis: its diagnostic performance, its promotion and implementation in Tanzania, and the implications for malaria... (Publications)
One hundred years ago, Giemsa's stain was employed for the first time for malaria diagnosis. Giemsa staining continues to be the method of choice in most malarious countries, although, in the recent p
Activity of artemether and OZ78 against triclabendazole-resistant <em>Fasciola hepatica</em> (Publications)
Triclabendazole is the drug of choice against Fasciola hepatica infections in humans and animals. However, parasite resistance against triclabendazole is spreading in the veterinary field, and there a