Variability of FVC and FEV1 due to technician, team, device and subject in an eight centre study (Publications)
Lung function testing of a random population sample in the eight SAPALDIA (Swiss study on air pollution and lung diseases in adults) centres had to be performed simultaneously, within one year, by eig
Expression of CD14 and Toll-like receptor 2 in farmers' and non-farmers' children (Publications)
Children of farmers are at decreased risk of developing allergies. Results of epidemiological studies suggest increased exposure to microbial compounds might be responsible for this reduced risk. Alte
Effect of self-hypnosis on hay fever symptoms - a randomised controlled intervention study (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Many people suffer from hay fever symptoms. Hypnosis has proved to be a useful adjunct in the treatment of conditions where allergic phenomena have an important role. METHODS: Randomised p
Quantitative and qualitative analyses in patients with environmentally related disorders (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Diagnostics and therapy of environmentally related disorders are hampered by one-sided assumptions and by discrepancies between therapists' and patients' assessments of the disease cause.
Reference equations for lung function screening of healthy never-smoking adults aged 18-80 years (Publications)
The need for updated spirometric reference values to be used on European populations is widely acknowledged, especially for subjects aged > 70 yrs. Their reference values are generally based on extrap