Recherche de *.
Modeling a field trial of the RTS,S/AS02A malaria vaccine (Publications)
Menstrual cycle and respiratory symptoms in a general nordic-baltic population (Publications)
Key findings and lessons from an evaluation of the Rockefeller Foundation's Disease Surveillance Networks Initiative (Publications)
The termite and the cell (Publications)
Multiple stool examinations for ova and parasites and rate of false-negative results (Publications)
Sensibilité aux antibiotiques de 15 souches de <em>Bacillus antracis</em> isolées de zones endémiques du Tchad (Publications)
Gesundheitskosten und Geschlecht in der Schweiz (Publications)
La santé des femmes autour de l'âge de la retraite (Publications)
Chancengleichheit unter Kindern (Publications)
Risk mitigation for wastewater irrigation systems in low-income countries: opportunities and limitations of the WHO guidelines (Publications)