Clinical description of encephalopathic syndromes and risk factors for their occurrence and outcome during melarsoprol treatment of human African... (Publications)
Encephalopathies are the most feared complications of sleeping sickness treatment with melarsoprol. To investigate the existence of risk factors, the incidence of encephalopathic syndromes and the rel
Soziale Unterschiede in der vor- und nachgeburtlichen Sterblichkeit: Schweiz: 1979-1985 (Publications)
The influence of social factors on birthweight and fetal and infant mortality was investigated in the Swiss birth cohort from 1979-85 (N = 519,933). The proportion of newborns with low-birthweight (le
Clinical and serologic responses to human 'apathogenic' trypanosomes (Publications)
We describe a female patient suffering from a benign self-healing febrile disease with strongly positive serology for Trypanosoma brucei. The patient showed a clinical picture with similarities to tha
Psychiatric, medical and environmental factors in patients suffering from environment-related disorders (Publications)
BACKGROUND: A multidisciplinary approach and a multi-modal methodology are needed to assess idiopathic environmental illnesses. SAMPLE: 61 patients took part in all diagnostic steps. METHOD: In the Ba
Gründe für sportliche Aktivität versus Inaktivität der baselstädtischen Bevölkerung 1988 (Publications)
A representative sample of 778 inhabitants of Canton Basel-Stadt aged 16 to 75 years were asked about their exercise habits and reasons for participating in or abstaining from sports (Response rate: 8