Comparative morphometric analysis of bloodstream and lymph forms of <em>Trypanosoma (T.)</em> <em>brucei brucei</em> grown<em> in vitro</em> and<em>... (Publications)
The fine structure of bloodstream forms of Trypanosoma brucei cultivated in vitro, and of trypanosomes from lymph and blood of mammalian hosts, was compared morphometrically. The cell volume, quantita
Detection of antibodies to <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> sporozoites by employing synthetic peptides (Publications)
A new achievement in the immunodiagnosis of malaria has been reached after the knowledge of the molecular structure of some plasmodial antigens has become available. One example is given by the repeti
Revised sample preparation for the analysis of oxysterols by enzyme-assisted derivatisation for sterol analysis (EADSA) (Publications)
Sterols, and specifically oxysterols, play important roles in the biosynthesis of bile acids and steroid hormones as well as possessing biological activities in their own right. Analysis of oxysterols