Childhood hospitalisation and related deaths in Hanoi, Vietnam: a tertiary hospital database analysis from 2007 to 2014 (Publications)
OBJECTIVE: To describe hospital admission and emergency visit rates and potential risk factors of prolonged hospitalisation and death among children in Hanoi. STUDY DESIGN: A retrospective study revie
Structure-activity relationship studies on thiaplidiaquinones A and B as novel inhibitors of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> and farnesyltransferase (Publications)
Marine meroterpenoids, thiaplidiaquinones A and B and their respective non-natural dioxothiazine regioisomers have been shown to inhibit mammalian and protozoal farnesyltransferase (FTase) with the re
Genes and pathways underlying susceptibility to impaired lung function in the context of environmental tobacco smoke exposure (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Studies aiming to assess genetic susceptibility for impaired lung function levels upon exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) have thus far focused on candidate-genes selected based
Biologie et élevage de la mouche tsé-tsé (Glossina palpalis) [16mm film] (Publications)
Tsetse-Fliegen als Überträger der Schlafkrankheit sind für die Tropenmedizin von grosser Wichtigkeit. Gezeigt werden Habitus, Haltung der Fliegen in Netzkäfigen, Fütterung mit Blut von lebenden Meersc