Meat intake, cooking-related mutagens and risk of colorectal adenoma in a sigmoidoscopy-based case-control study (Publications)
Reported habits of red meat consumption, particularly red meat that has been cooked to the degree termed 'well-done', is a positive risk factor for colorectal cancer. Under high, pyrolytic temperature
Comparison of the reactogenicity and immunogenicity of a two injection combined high-dose hepatitis A and hepatitis B vaccine to those of Twinrix (Publications)
Twinrix (SmithKline Beecham Biologicals) is a combined hepatitis A and B vaccine licensed with a three-dose schedule. A two-dose combined hepatitis A and B vaccine would facilitate immunisation progra
Non-stationary partition modeling of geostatistical data for malaria risk mapping (Publications)
The most common assumption in geostatistical modeling of malaria is stationarity, that is spatial correlation is a function of the separation vector between locations. However, local factors (environm
Air pollution and lung function in the European Community Respiratory Health Survey (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The association of long-term air pollution and lung function has not been studied across adult European multi-national populations before. The aim of this study was to determine the associ
Heat wave 2003 and mortality in Switzerland (Publications)
QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY: During June to August 2003, high temperatures were reported across Europe including Switzerland. In many European countries, particularly in France the heat wave was associated