Comparative study of activities of a diverse set of anti-mycobacterial agents against <em>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</em> and <em>Mycobacterium... (Publications)
A library of compounds covering a broad chemical space was selected from a tuberculosis drug development program and screened in a whole cell assay against Mycobacterium ulcerans, the causative agent
Wayanin and guaijaverin, two active metabolites found in a <em>Psidium acutangulum</em> Mart. ex DC (syn. P. persoonii McVaugh) (Myrtaceae)... (Publications)
ETHNOPHARMACOLOGICAL RELEVANCE: Psidium acutangulum Mart. ex DC is a small tree used by the Wayana Amerindians from the Upper-Maroni in French Guiana for the treatment of malaria. AIM OF THE STUDY: In
Long-term air pollution and traffic noise exposures and mild cognitive impairment in older adults: a cross-sectional analysis of the Heinz Nixdorf... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) describes the intermediate state between normal cognitive aging and dementia. Adverse effects of air pollution (AP) on cognitive functions have been propose
Changes in malaria burden and transmission in sentinel sites after the roll-out of long-lasting insecticidal nets in Papua New Guinea (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Papua New Guinea exhibits a complex malaria epidemiology due to diversity in malaria parasites, mosquito vectors, human hosts, and their natural environment. Heterogeneities in transmissio
Efficacy, safety, and dose of pafuramidine, a new oral drug for treatment of first stage sleeping sickness, in a phase 2a clinical study and phase 2b... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Sleeping sickness (human African trypanosomiasis [HAT]) is caused by protozoan parasites and characterized by a chronic progressive course, which may last up to several years before death.
Evaluation of Xpert® MTB/RIF and Ustar EasyNATTM TB IAD for diagnosis of TB lymphadenitis of children in Tanzania (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Fine needle aspiration biopsy has become a standard approach for diagnosis of peripheral tuberculous lymphadenitis. The aim of this study was to compare the performance of Xpert MTB/RIF an
System effectiveness of a targeted free mass distribution of long lasting insecticidal nets in Zanzibar, Tanzania (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Insecticide-treated nets (ITN) and long-lasting insecticidal treated nets (LLIN) are important means of malaria prevention. Although there is consensus regarding their importance, there is
cART prescription trends in a prospective HIV cohort in rural Tanzania from 2007 to 2011 (Publications)
Comprehensive information on combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) regimens in rural Sub-Saharan Africa over time is scarce, particularly on the use of stavudine (d4T) and second-line regimens. Since