Towards the elimination of cervical cancer: transdisciplinary science for smarter implementation strategies (Projects)
Towards the elimination of cervical cancer in Tanzania: Transdisciplinary science for smarter implementation strategies (TRACCTION) is a mixed methods study using a transdisciplinary approach to explo
Home caRE workers’ Health risks of Exposure to heAT waves (REHEAT), Solutions for human adaptation to climate change in the context of working life... (Projects)
Background Home care professionals are more at risk for health problems than usual in hot weather, as their clients are particularly vulnerable to the heat, need more care and thus require more effort
Democratizing Neglected Tropical Diseases Interventions through Citizen Science for Improving Women’s Health in a Fragile Setting at Lake Chad (Projects)
In crisis areas, health systems struggle to serve refugee, internally displaced people (IDPs) and host populations. A particular concern are diseases linked to insufficient water, sanitation and hygie
Integrated Health Services in Kosovo, Phase I (Projects)
The Integrated Health Services (IHS) project aims at improving the availability, quality and continuity of care for patients with non-communicable diseases by strengthening related clinical, manageria
Vector Modelling - AnophelesModel R Package (Projects)
We developed the AnophelesModel R Package to interface mosquito bionomics, human exposure and intervention effects with models of malaria intervention impact. The package contains an in-built entomolo
Assessment of the factors affecting emergence and spread of artemisinin resistance in Rwanda (Projects)
Background: Malaria is a major public health problem globally and resistance to most widely used drugs impedes its control. Artemisinin resistance has emerged and spread in the Greater Mekong Sub regi
OpenMalaria Workflow and OpenMalariaUtilities R Packages (Projects)
OpenMalaria Workflow R Package The work of the Analytics and Intervention Modelling Group is based on OpenMalaria : an open-source C++ program for simulating malaria epidemiology and the impacts on th
Sub-national tailoring of malaria interventions in Mozambique (Projects)
Malaria remains a public health problem in Mozambique, with more than 10 million cases confirmed in 2020 ( WHO Malaria Report 2020 ). The Mozambique National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) leads the f
Pan-Africa Network for Genomic Surveillance of Poverty Related Diseases and Emerging Pathogens (Projects)
The main objective of the PANGenS project is to use genomic epidemiology of tuberculosis, malaria and emerging and re-emerging pathogens in Africa to better understand disease etiology, dynamics of di
Public Health System Recovery and Resilience Activity (Projects)
The overall goal of the Public Health System Recovery and Resilience (PHS R&R) Activity is to strengthen the Government of Ukraine's capacity to prevent, detect and respond to public health threats; m