Nutritional management of growth faltering in infants aged under six months in Asia and Africa. Study protocol for an individually randomised trial... (Projects)
The WHO Department of Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health and Ageing (WHO/MCA) will coordinate a multi-country, multi-centre randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effect of approaches
Support for the launch of calls for project proposals against neglected tropical diseases in Benin and Togo (Projects)
The raison d’être of Anesvad is to improve the health of the most neglected people and communities. A major ongoing quest is the fight against neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) with a focus on skin N
Technical Assistance to Country-Led Evaluations Supported by the Global Financing Facility & Metareview of Evidence (Projects)
Swiss TPH provides technical assistance to country organisations currently engaged in the implementation of Global Financing Facility (GFF) Investment Case (IC) evaluations, with the aim to strengthen
Clinical Performance Evaluation and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of miLab platform for Supporting Malaria Control in Target Countries (Projects)
Noul Inc, a South Korean start-up, has developed the miLab(TM) platform, which allows automated sample preparation to imaging and AI analysis of small amounts of blood samples. The platform is of pote
Resistance Evaluation and Surveillance Initiative for Schistosomiasis Treatment (RESIST) (Projects)
Zanzibar has an impressive track record implementing mass drug administration (MDA) with praziquantel (PZQ) against Schistosoma haematobium infections since the 1980s, achieving elimination of schisto
Characterization of field malaria isolates and assessment of the impact of resistance profile on the transmission of resistant strains (Projects)
This is a joint research project between Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (SwissTPH, Switzerland) and Ifakara Health Institute (IHI, Tanzania). Malaria elimination is threatened by resistanc
Accessible Quality Healthcare Project, Kosovo, Phase III (Projects)
BACKGROUND: Despite progress, the health system in Kosovo continues to face challenges, ranging from health professionals’ migration, leadership and governance, to health service financing, management
The causes and consequences of historical contingencies in the evolution of extensively drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Projects)
Tuberculosis (TB) remains a global health emergency. With 1.3 million annual deaths, TB kills more people than HIV/AIDS and malaria combined. Multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) is also a main cause of hu
Caring on the Frontlines: addressing safety, equity, and economic vulnerabilities of community health care workers in eastern DRC using a... (Projects)
In the South Kivu province, Eastern DRC, Community Health Workers (CHWs) face significant challenges due to ongoing conflict, frequent epidemics, and a strained healthcare system. Their vital work is
Air Pollution and Health Literature Database and Services 2024-2025 (Projects)
LUDOK is a Swiss competence center for the effects of outdoor air pollution on human health at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH). The documentation center has been financed by