Privacy preserving-probabilistic record linkage to assess cancer outcomes in people living with HIV in South Africa (Publications)
Background: Privacy-preserving probabilistic record linkage (PPPRL) methods were developed and applied in high-income countries to link records within and between organizations under strict privacy pr
Starting at the community: treatment seeking pathways of children with suspected severe malaria in Uganda (Publications)
Introduction: Community health workers (CHW) usually refer children with suspected severe malaria to the nearest public health facility or a designated public referral health facility (RHF). Caregiver
Reinforcement of the regional epidemiological surveillance network of the Indian Ocean Commission (Projects)
Conseil Santé (France) and the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute – Swiss TPH (Switzerland) provide a range of services related to the “Assistance to the project leader of the project strength
Moxidectin for Strongyloidiasis (Projects)
Strongyloides stercoralis belongs to the soil-transmitted helminths and is the most neglected helminth infection among the neglected tropical diseases. It occurs almost worldwide and may result in lon
New approaches to transform global health: meeting with Bill Gates (Page)
Hi Sumaiyya, thanks for joining us today! Please introduce yourself. I am from Tanzania and did my PhD in epidemiology at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH). I currently work a
New approaches to transform health in low- and middle- income countries: A Swiss TPH researcher discussed with Bill Gates (Blog)
Sumaiyya Thawer, researcher and former PhD student at Swiss TPH, joined the science dinner with Bill Gates as part of the Grand Challenges annual meeting. In this impact story, she shares her experien
Mathematical modelling to examine disease, control measures, vaccine interactions and resistance to guide public health and disease elimination... (Projects)
Mathematical models are increasingly important to understand new and existing diseases and for planning how we tackle these diseases. Models with enough detail of how a disease interacts with the body
World Malaria Day 2021: In the shadows of the COVID-19 pandemic (Page)
Since 2000, historic successes have been achieved in the global fight against malaria. In the last decades, 7.6 million malaria deaths have been prevented and over 20 countries have been declared mala
Impementation and scaling up of a digital Clinical Decision Support System / ICRC Nigeria (Projects)
Nigeria is one of the countries with the highest mortality for children under five years of age. Due to the violent conflict in the northern part of the country and scarce medical resources, mortality